Benvoulin Business Complex
Location: Kelowna, B.C.
Project type: New Business Complex focusing on gas services
Located on a property that borders farmland and the main hub of Benvoulin Road. This area retains a rural feel but is also a point of transition from larger commercial developments along highway 97 and closer high-density residential developments on the adjacent sites along Benvoulin.
The project features a number of different buildings with varying functions on the site. At the centre and the main driving force of the development are gas services with a gas station and convenience store and car wash facilities. Also, in the mix are a 2-storey commercial building and restaurant.
We have been exploring simple abstracted forms for the buildings’ massing as well as a dialogue between canopies, building orientation and building shapes.
Proposed site plan showing all the various buildings proposed for on the site
Aerial view of complex showing the composition of buildings arranged on site.
Street view of complex showing the 2-storey retail commercial building and the food retail building on the right.
Close view of the 2-storey retail commercial building and one of the street entries to the site.
View from inside of the complex looking towards the convenience store.
View from inside the complex looking past gas pumps towards the two storey commercial building.